Help Us Grow
Completing the Natural Cycle
As a nonprofit, we strive to offer sustainable zero-waste services and programs focused on reducing organic waste in order to divert valuable materials from the landfill, educate the community, and create quality natural fertilizers.
We are turning our efforts towards the things that we do well: community empowerment, education, and our cyclist programs as our organization grows.
We cannot do it without your support!

Commitment to Sustainablity
Soil Cycle’s mission, vision, and goals are community-minded and sustainably founded. Not only do we strive to divert waste from the local landfill, but we are also committed to reducing emissions by using human-powered means as well as reusing, reducing, and recycling materials as often as possible. Soil Cycle aims to give back to Missoula through partnerships and sustainable education in order to create a healthier, more self-sufficient sustainable community.